Welcome to our Festival blog

We are a small congregation commemorating the 400th anniversary of the death of the village's Elizabethan composer, William Byrd (c.1540 - 1623).

We are planning to erect a permanent memorial to Byrd to mark the quatercentenary since his death, and have begun a fundraising appeal. Our events this year have included a talk on The Life and Times of William Byrd (30 June), including book release; a Commemorative Service of BCP Evensong (2 July); and, welcomed The Stondon Singers who gave a sell-out William Byrd Anniversary Concert on the actual day (4 July). Stondon Massey has also featured on BBC Radio 3's 'Composer of the Week' programme (3-7 July).

This website contains everything you need to know about William Byrd's life and music as well as his links with Stondon Massey. /

Monday, 14 February 2011

What's Your Favourite?

A survey has begun at Stondon Massey and Blackmore parish churches to find out what are peoples' favourite hymns. A Top Ten will be compiled to be sung at a special service on Sunday 15 May to close the William Byrd Festival.

Anyone can vote. Send us your three favourite hymns and we will add the titles onto the spreadsheet. (Use the comments field below?)

The last poll was carried out in 2004 for a Service which closed the Flower Festival at the Priory Church of St Laurence, Blackmore. Then the Top Ten were: (1) And Did Those Feet (Jerusalem); (2) Lord The Light Of Your Light Is Shining (Shine Jesus Shine); (3) O Lord My God (How Great Thou Art); (4) All Things Bright and Beautiful; (5) Be Still For The Presence of The Lord; (6) Praise My Soul The King of Heaven; (7) I The Lord of Sea and Sky; (8) I Vow To Thee My Country; (9) Amazing Grace; (10) Love Divine All Love's Excelling.

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