Welcome to our Festival blog

We are a small congregation commemorating the 400th anniversary of the death of the village's Elizabethan composer, William Byrd (c.1540 - 1623).

We are planning to erect a permanent memorial to Byrd to mark the quatercentenary since his death, and have begun a fundraising appeal. Our events this year have included a talk on The Life and Times of William Byrd (30 June), including book release; a Commemorative Service of BCP Evensong (2 July); and, welcomed The Stondon Singers who gave a sell-out William Byrd Anniversary Concert on the actual day (4 July). Stondon Massey has also featured on BBC Radio 3's 'Composer of the Week' programme (3-7 July).

This website contains everything you need to know about William Byrd's life and music as well as his links with Stondon Massey. /

Wednesday 7 June 2023

BBC Radio 3 Visit Stondon Massey Church

It was something of a 'red letter day' for Stondon Massey Church when earlier (on Wednesday 7 June) we welcomed Donald Macleod, presenter, and Chris Taylor, producer, of BBC Radio 3's 'Composer of the Week'.  The week beginning Monday 3 July marks the 400th anniversary of the death of the great Renaissance composer William Byrd.

Andrew Smith was interviewed on aspects of Byrd's life while he lived in early retirement in Stondon Massey. He discussed the Byrd family's recusancy: the refusal to attend Church Services at a time when Anglican worship was compulsory, and his frequent naming before the Archdeaconry Court by the churchwardens, one of whom was Denis Lolly. 

Byrd's time at Stondon Place, where he obtained a short lease from the Crown, was considered and the legal cases he had with Mrs Jane Shelley who claimed joint ownership with her disgraced and deceased husband William. 

Finally there was a reflection on the content of Byrd's Last Will and Testament where the composer asked to buried next to his wife, Julian, in Stondon Massey churchyard.

Composer of the Week will be broadcast at midday from Monday 3 July to Friday 7 July 2023, with Andrew's edited contributions appearing in the first and last programmes.

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