Welcome to our Festival blog

We are a small congregation commemorating the 400th anniversary of the death of the village's Elizabethan composer, William Byrd (c.1540 - 1623).

We are planning to erect a permanent memorial to Byrd to mark the quatercentenary since his death, and have begun a fundraising appeal. Our events this year have included a talk on The Life and Times of William Byrd (30 June), including book release; a Commemorative Service of BCP Evensong (2 July); and, welcomed The Stondon Singers who gave a sell-out William Byrd Anniversary Concert on the actual day (4 July). Stondon Massey has also featured on BBC Radio 3's 'Composer of the Week' programme (3-7 July).

This website contains everything you need to know about William Byrd's life and music as well as his links with Stondon Massey. /

Sunday, 2 July 2023

Byrd at the BBC Today

 The Listening Service

Sunday 2 July. 5.00-5.30pm (repeated Friday 7 July 4.30-5.00pm)

BBC Radio 3 - The Listening Service, Secret Music: Byrd's Masses

Tom Service explores the three mass settings of William Byrd during dangerous times for Catholics.


Record Review Extra

Sunday 2 July. 9.00-11.00pm

BBC Radio 3 - Record Review Extra, Kirsten Gibson's Byrd

Hannah French offers listeners the opportunity to hear in greater length the pieces discussed in Record Review.  A Byrd fest!

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